Color Psychology

This HGTV psychology of color chart describes the way specific colors affect human emotions and feelings. Objects in the natural world send messages to our brain via color; whether it’s a colorful flower, a beautiful sunset, a gold coin, or a red fire engine, color evokes a psychological response.

Here are some general associations between paint colors and emotions:

Red is dramatic and energizing. It inspires passion, excitement, and even aggression. It can be used to create a dramatic and high-energy space.

Orange is a warm and inviting hue associated with creativity and can be used in spaces where inspiration is needed.

Yellow is a bright and uplifting tone that evokes happiness and optimism. It can also be used to promote focus and concentration.

Green is a calming and refreshing color that creates balance and harmony. Often associated with nature, it’s used to create a relaxing and peaceful space.

Blue is a cool and calming shade that conveys tranquility and serenity. Associated with water and sky; it’s used to create a calm, peaceful decorating scheme.

Purple is a luxurious hue that creates a sense of sophistication and opulence.

Gray, a favorite neutral, is considered elegant and versatile. Pair it with bold accent colors to create a sense of drama.

HGTV Paint Color Psychology Chart. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.
HGTV Paint Color Psychology Chart. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.
HGTV Paint Color Psychology Chart. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.