Avoidable Paint Color Mistake 4 of 5

Avoidable Paint Color Mistake 4 of 5 is testing too small of a sample. You can’t get the full color effect with a five inch square. Paint as large an area as you can to get the full color impression. Alternatively, paint the color on a 8 X 11 cardboard, called a drawdown, and use that as your color sample. Bigger samples make it easier to understand how a color behaves in a space. https://alllosangelespaintingcompany.com/2022/08/avoidable-paint-color-mistakes-3-of-5/

Avoidable Paint Color Mistake 4 of 5. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.
Avoidable Paint Color Mistake 4 of 5. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.
Avoidable Paint Color Mistake 4 of 5. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.