Anything you like can inspire a paint color scheme, and the first meal of the day is no exception. Here are some breakfast inspired paint colors that go well in many decorating schemes.
Also known as Johnnycakes, griddle cakes or hotcakes, this batter-made breakfast food dates back thousands of years. In fact, it might be the oldest breakfast food in history, spanning as far back as the Stone Age. It was even found in the stomach of Otzi the Iceman, who was estimated to have lived 5,300 years ago. Use these pancake inspired paint colors to create your own color scheme.

The word ‘pancake’ first appeared in English in the 15th century however, Ancient Greeks and Romans made what were called Alita Dolcia or “another sweet” with wheat flour, olive oil, honey, and curdled milk. Greek Poets, Cratinus and Magnes wrote about them in their poetry and Shakespeare mentions them in his famous plays. During the English Renaissance, pancakes were flavored with spices, rosewater, sherry, and apples. The practice of pouring batter in a pan and frying it is common in nearly every culture around the world.

In the UK, they’ve celebrated Shrove Tuesday since 1100 A.D. It is the day before Ash Wednesday, also referred to in other places as Fat Tuesday. This very popular Feast Day is observed through participating in confession, finalizing a lenten sacrifice, as well as consuming pancakes and other sweets.

Glidden Coffee Inspired Colors

Glidden Paints can be purchased at Home Depot.
Anything you enjoy can be used to create a color design scheme for a room or house. These breakfast inspired paint colors are available in Southern California. Call us @ 310-470-9218 for a home or office color consultation.