Popular Clare Paint Colors

Anything you like can be used to inspire a room or house color update. Explore these Popular Clare Paint Colors for your next decorating scheme update. Seasonally inspired color palettes make updating your home more interesting. Each season has it’s own special hues; consider them for your next room or home color refresh.

Summer Colors

These colors are from their curated, summer palette of trending hues. Summer conveys feelings of freedom, happiness and contentment. They come in a range of sheens for all decorating styles.

Clare Summer Paint Colors
Summer Paint Colors. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Hanukkah Paint Colors

This is Clare Paint’s Hanukkah Color Palette. These festive tones convey a sense of joy and cheer year round.

Hanukkah Paint Colors
All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. Hanukkah Color Palette.

Fall Tones

These warm, fall inspired hues evoke the feelings of fall and the comforts of home. Autumn is when we start heading indoors. Its hues are warm and vibrant, Reds, Greens, Yellows, and Browns. Consider these tones to warm a space and make it feel cozy.

Clare Fall Paint Colors.
Fall Paint Colors. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.


Blue nurtures a secure and stable mindset — lowering blood pressure, respiration and heart rate, as well as enhancing concentration. Its balancing effect is beneficial in rest oriented rooms. 

Clare Paint Blue Color Palette.
Clare Paint Blue Color Palette. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Party Colors

Use Clare Paint Party Colors to create a lively aesthetic. Consider them for a front door refresh or a pop of color in a powder bathroom. They’re great for gathering and entertaining spaces.

Party Inspired Paint Colors.
Party Inspired Paint Colors. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Zodiac Colors

Pictured here are 12 colors presented in a zodiac themed palette.

Zodiac Inspired Paint Colors.
Zodiac Inspired Paint Color Palette. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Jewel Tones

Jewel Tone colors are rich, luxurious, and bring depth and drama to a space. Clare grounds their highly saturated colors with a hint of black.

Here are a variety of ways to enhance a room’s overall look with Jewel tones:
  1. Accent walls: Use a jewel tone on an accent wall to create a focal point. This could be a wall behind a sofa, a feature wall in a bedroom, or even the ceiling in a small space.
  2. Furniture: Paint a piece of furniture, like a bookcase, armoire, or headboard, in a Jewel Tone color to add a touch of luxury to the room.
  3. Trim and molding: Use a Jewel Tone on trim and molding to add a touch of elegance to the room. This works well in traditional spaces where molding is a key architectural feature.
  4. Cabinetry: Use them on kitchen or bathroom cabinets to create a bold and sophisticated look. This is especially effective in spaces where a pop of color is needed.

Whether you’re looking to add a touch of luxury to a single room or transform your entire home, Jewel Colors are a great choice.

Jewel Tone Color Inspiration Palette.
Jewel Tone Color Inspiration Palette. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Clare Paint colors embrace the idea that painting should be a fun and creative process. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. 310-470-9218 is a skilled applicator of Clare Paint. https://alllosangelespaintingcompany.com/2023/12/warm-paint-colors/

A circle of different colors with the sun in the center.

All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.