Color + Inspiration
All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.
Choosing color is personal and emotional. Multiple factors go into selecting appropriate hues. They include individual preferences, room size, lighting, existing furniture, art, architectural elements and cognitive associations.
Benjamin Moore Favorite Warm Colors
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Warm tones are favored for cozy and intimate spaces. Because these colors are associated with energy, playfulness and happiness, they are popular for kitchens and breakfast rooms.
Fine Paints of Europe
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Fine Paints of Europe has many color collections and color tools for interior and exterior design projects. Here is a sampling of Fine Paints of Europe Color Collections. Inspiration Collection This curated Inspiration Fine Paints of Europe Color Deck has over 1400 colors divided into bright, pastel, and grey tones….
Clark+Kensington January 2021
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Clark+Kensington’s January 2021 Color of the Month is Blue Spruce. Blue Spruce is a calming deep green that provides a perfect decorative pop for cabinets, furniture and accent walls.
Vintage House & Garden Paint Colors
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
The exuberant post war years boom provided a mix of design styles with vivid color influences making the most impact. Midcentury modern embraces a more neutral yet deep color palette, which can work as a base for the rest of the decor. Color inspiration can come from anywhere. For color hunters, this…
Benjamin Moore Popular Exterior Colors
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
If you’re looking for an instant mood-booster, a fresh paint job is the way to go. A splash of color will perk up a tired-looking house and add appeal, warmth and vibrancy. Opt for popular shades or subtle tones. Picking the right color is easy when you know what everyone…
Magenta Paint Colors
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Magentas are beautiful hues; perfect for bedroom and bathroom walls. Magenta’s cheery, uplifting tones evoke feelings of coziness and home.
Benjamin Moore Popular Yellows
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
It has been said that yellow makes rooms appear more joyful than any other color. Yellow is a favorite color for kitchens and for house body exteriors. Bright yellows are trending as front door accent colors.
Dunn Edwards Q System Colors
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
The Dunn Edwards Q system colors collection was one of the most popular and widely used decorating tools in 1980’s Los Angeles. This vintage color collection continues to inspire interior designers and homeowners with their soothing qualities and timeless charm. The Q System was a revolutionary approach to color selection…
Orange Paint Color
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Orange walls make a bold statement in any room. Orange can also be used as an accent along with other colors in a gentle, contemporary design scheme. The orange color chip pictured here is from the Benjamin Moore color preview collection.
Clark+Kensington December 2020
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Clark+Kensington’s December 2020 Color of the Month is Smokey Taupe. Cool neutrals with yellow-green undertones, like Smokey Taupe, are trending in popularity because they provide a soothing background shade that blends well with accent colors and furnishings.