The exterior of a house is prone to many issues. Peeling paint on wood, color fade, mildew, dry rot, etc.. are just a few problems that plaque exterior surfaces.
Peeling Paint
Paint that has lost its adhesion will peel off. To get the longest lasting paint job, all failing paint must be removed down to bare wood. The bare wood must be primed with an appropriate exterior latex primer before being painted with two coats of high quality water based paint. Los Angeles municipal code requires houses to be painted, maintained and in good condition.

Mildew on Eaves
The unsightly black and gray discoloration on these eaves is mildew. Most types of mildew can be removed from a painted surface by simple cleaning. Once the surface is clean, there is often no need to repaint, just a yearly mildew wash can keep eaves and other painted surfaces looking fresh. Mildew most often grows on the home’s north side and in shady/damp areas.

Peeling Facia
A facia is the flat vertical board that covers rafter tails that extend beyond the roofline. Facias are traditionally painted the same color as the windows and trim. Additionally, they are often in direct sun all day and and because of that, they tend to have unsightly peeling. Peeling facias make a house look run down and poorly maintained. Moreover, poorly maintained facia boards are subject to termites, cracking and dry rot.

Hydrostatic Pressure
Hydrostatic pressure describes the pressure caused by standing water pushing against an object or surface that blocks it. In the picture here, water that has no where else to go is held in the dirt behind this wall. The water has to get out somehow, and in this case it leaves through evaporation. As the sun draws the water molecules out through the wall, it peels the paint. Garden walls, retaining walls and basement walls are notorious for having this problem.

Call All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. 310-470-9218 for your interior and exterior painting needs.