Home Maintenance Advice
All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.
A well maintained house can make you the envy of your neighborhood and give you a tremendous sense of pride. There are hundreds of ongoing tasks involved in the proper upkeep of a house and yard. Learn about them here.
Clean Switch Plates
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Having clean switch plates is one of many small details that make a house look special.
Yard Maintenance Checklist Items
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
House exteriors and yards need regular inspection and maintenance. Here are some Yard Maintenance Checklist Items that many homeowners overlook. Fruit Trees Over Roof Fruit trees attract rats and racoons. Allowing fruit trees to grow over your roof invites hungry pests into your structure. Trim fruit trees to keep them…
Keeping the Parkway Clean
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
The parkway, a strip of land between the sidewalk and the road in front of your house, plays a major role in the overall aesthetics of your home. Keeping it clean and well-maintained not only benefits your own property but contributes to a nicer and more comfortable neighborhood. Here are…
Roof Maintenance Tips
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
For a fully functioning house, all parts have to be in tip top shape. A roof is one of the most important parts of a home. It keeps rain, wind, sun, and other elements off of the people and furnishings inside. Here are some roof maintenance tips to keep your…
Home Maintenance Checklist Items
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
People often get so caught up in their daily routine that they don’t notice worn out, old, dirty, overgrown, or broken items that are right in front of them. Neglecting your property negatively impacts not only your home, but on the aesthetic of the entire neighborhood. Here are some often…
Hiring the Right Painter
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Finding and hiring the right painter is never easy. It’s difficult to balance skill, price and quality. No matter how many references consumers get, they often don’t understand the in’s and out’s of a quality paint job. Moreover, there’s the possibility that they get over promised but receive less than…
Drywall Texture in Los Angeles
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Whether caused by water damage, electrical repair, plumbing work, or something else, consumers often need to have their walls repaired. Applying drywall texture in Los Angeles is important for matching and maintaining a room’s aesthetic. Correct drywall patching is done in two steps. First, is to properly and securely restore…
Using Primer Before Paint
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Using Primer before paint is not an option on most surfaces, it must be done. The latin root of the word primer is primarius, which means “first”. The word has been used in English since the late 1300’s. There is a primer for every type of job; whether it’s a new…
Los Angeles Pro-Active Code Enforcement
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Homeowners who have run down looking homes are receiving Department of Building and Safety DBS Official Notices of Los Angeles Pro-Active Code Enforcement (P.A.C.E). The city has implemented a code enforcement program and inspectors are on the lookout for violators. Los Angeles Municipal Code 91.8104.1 – 91.8104.13 requires houses to…
Annual Termite Inspection
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
April is annual termite inspection month. Pictured here are termite infested boards that All Los Angeles Painting Company Inc. uncovered during the preparation phase of an exterior painting project. Termites are a destructive house pest; if they aren’t found and eliminated quickly, they’ll cause thousands of dollars of damage to…