Home Maintenance Advice
All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.
A well maintained house can make you the envy of your neighborhood and give you a tremendous sense of pride. There are hundreds of ongoing tasks involved in the proper upkeep of a house and yard. Learn about them here.
Los Angeles Cabinet Repainting
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Nothing brightens up the look and feel of a kitchen like a Los Angeles Cabinet Repainting project. Preparation is key when it comes to cabinet painting. Failing to properly prepare can result in peeling, chipping, or failed paint. Here are five steps to ensure a successful cabinet repaint: Protect and…
Stagnant Water
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Even a small container with stagnant water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Pictured here is a small plastic container with rain water hidden behind jade plants and agapanthus. Here’s how it happens and what you can do to protect your family: Mosquito Breeding Grounds: For a variety of…
Los Angeles Drywall Repair
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Los Angeles drywall repair uses various patching techniques depending on the type of crack. For hairline cracks, a thin layer of joint compound is applied, then it’s feathered to blend into the surrounding surface. Structural cracks are filled with joint compound, followed by fiberglass mesh tape over the crack, and…
Checking Automatic Sprinkler Valves
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Lush lawns and vibrant gardens go hand in hand with automatic sprinklers. However, hidden sprinkler system leaks can lead to water waste and property damage. Regularly checking the automatic sprinkler valves lets you find leaks quickly, and prevents unnecessarily high water bills. Landscape Beauty: A well watered landscape enhances…
Security Gate Motor Cleaning
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
A gate motor is an essential component of a home security system, providing convenience and protection. To ensure smooth operation and longevity, keep the motor area under the plastic cover free of leaf build-up. Here are the benefits of security gate motor cleaning and maintaining a debris-free gate motor: Leaf…
A Home’s Natural Enemy
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Letting vines grow over your house will cause problems that require money and time to fix. Vines are a home’s natural enemy. They damage the structure and pose safety risks. First, vines provide a direct pathway for rodents and insects to invade a structure. They find ideal hiding and nesting…
Home Smoke Alarms
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Home smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are essential safety features in any home. Smoke alarms detect smoke from fires, while carbon monoxide detectors monitor the air for harmful levels of carbon monoxide. Here are some best practices for using these devices in your home: Install Smoke Alarms in Every…
Regular Rain Gutter Cleaning
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Regular rain gutter cleaning is an important home maintenance task. One of the primary reasons to keep gutters free of dirt build-up is to prevent structural damage. When gutters load up with debris, rain water accumulation can cause them to sag or pull away from the roof. This can harm the…
The Importance of Functioning Downspouts
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
Improperly working downspouts can contribute to structural problems including: Roof damage, interior structural framing damage, peeling interior paint, drywall damage, dry rot, mold and mildew growth.
Remove Dead and Diseased Trees
By All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. |
It’s not uncommon for people to get so caught up in their daily routine that they stop noticing what’s right in front of them – including the exterior of their home. Neglecting the condition of your property has a negative impact not only on your own home, but on the…