Home Maintenance Advice

A Structure's Natural Enemy. Vines Growing on a House.

A Home’s Natural Enemy

Letting vines grow over your house will cause problems that require money and time to fix. Vines are a home’s natural enemy. They damage the structure and pose safety risks. First, vines provide a direct pathway for rodents and insects to invade a structure. They find ideal hiding and nesting…

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Best Practices for Home Smoke Alarms

Home Smoke Alarms

Home smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are essential safety features in any home. Smoke alarms detect smoke from fires, while carbon monoxide detectors monitor the air for harmful levels of carbon monoxide. Here are some best practices for using these devices in your home: Install Smoke Alarms in Every…

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Regular Rain Gutter Cleaning.

Regular Rain Gutter Cleaning

Regular rain gutter cleaning is an important home maintenance task. One of the primary reasons to keep gutters free of dirt build-up is to prevent structural damage. When gutters load up with debris, rain water accumulation can cause them to sag or pull away from the roof. This can harm the…

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A discolored surface around a downspout (pictured above) is a telltale sign that the building's water dispersal system isn't functioning properly. A properly installed and working downspout doesn't allow water to run over or around it.

The Importance of Functioning Downspouts

Improperly working downspouts can contribute to structural problems including: Roof damage, interior structural framing damage, peeling interior paint, drywall damage, dry rot, mold and mildew growth.

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Front Yard with Dead and Diseased Trees. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Remove Dead and Diseased Trees

It’s not uncommon for people to get so caught up in their daily routine that they stop noticing what’s right in front of them – including the exterior of their home. Neglecting the condition of your property has a negative impact not only on your own home, but on the…

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Paint exterior window frames every few years to protect and preserve your home. Windows are one of the first things people see when looking at a house.

Paint Exterior Window Frames

Paint exterior window frames every few years to protect and preserve your home. Windows are one of the first things people see when looking at a house. Why Windows Painting is Important: Protection: Paint acts as a barrier, protecting the window frame and sill from moisture, sun damage, termites and…

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Curb Appeal Failures & Shutter Ugliness.

Curb Appeal Failures & Shutter Ugliness

Exterior shutters are considered a decorative enhancement of the window area. Shutters visually expand a window and its importance. These inexpensive and popular architectural details add color and dimensionality to a home. Aesthetically pleasing shutters are always of the same style and sized properly for the window opening. Pictured here…

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Home Management | Fruit Trees Over Roof. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Fruit Tree Branches on Roof

Keep fruit tree branches off and away from the roof. Fruit trees growing over a roof create multiple problems, especially on flat roofs like this one. It allows rodents access to your roof, the rotting fruit attracts flies, and it’s an attractive food source for larger pests, like racoons. Additionally,…

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Rusted Water Heater Bottom. Home Management Advice. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Rusted Water Heater Bottom

Don’t let this happen to your water heater. Drain water heaters once a year to remove accumulated sediment and mineral debris. Over time, sediment builds up at the bottom of the heater which will rust through and destroy the tank. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for draining a water heater….

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Redfin Home Maintenance Blog. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc.

Read Home Maintenance Blogs

Home maintenance blogs are a great source of home improvement news and advice. They provide a wide variety of home purchasing, ownership and upkeep related information. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. was featured in this Redfin blog post discussing the benefits of environmentally friendly Low and Zero VOC paints….

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