One of the important items that need to be inspected on a regularly scheduled home maintenance checklist is the Hot Water heater. Drain your water heater once a year to remove sediment and mineral debris that accumulate at the bottom. Yearly Water Heater Flushing & Perimeter Checks protect the heater and help it run efficiently. Additionally, keep the environment around, above and below the water heater free of dirt, dust, spider webs and clutter. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for draining the tank and cleaning surrounding areas.

Rusted Water Heater Bottom
Don’t let this happen to your water heater. Drain water heaters once a year to remove accumulated sediment and mineral debris. Over time, sediment builds up at the bottom of the heater which will rust through and destroy the tank. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for draining a water heater.
Here is more on rust:
Rust is the commonly used term for iron oxide. Iron oxide is common because iron combines readily with oxygen. So readily, in fact, that pure iron rarely occurs in nature.
Iron (or steel) rusting is an example of corrosion: an electro-chemical process involving an anode (a piece of metal that readily gives up electrons), an electrolyte (a liquid that helps electrons move) and a cathode (a piece of metal that readily accepts electrons).
When metal rusts, the electrolyte helps provide oxygen to the anode. As oxygen combines with the metal, electrons are liberated. When they flow through the electrolyte to the cathode, the metal of the anode disappears, swept away by the electrical flow or converted into a form like rust.
Make sure to clear out your water heater regularly so this doesn’t happen. Pictured here is a rusted water heater bottom.

Check your water heater regularly for signs of leaks or corrosion on the metal connectors. Also, the water heater tank should be drained yearly by a professional plumber. Draining removes minerals and debris that can rot out the bottom of the water heater.
Need help keeping your house maintained? All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. 310-470-9218 provides home management services.