Home Maintenance Advice

All Los Angeles Painting Company

Change Air Filters Regularly

Change air filters regularly. Pictured here are two identical air filters. The white one is new and the gray one is three months old. Dirty air filters make your air conditioner work harder and increase electricity costs. A new filter costs about $5. Use All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc….

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All Los Angeles Painting Company

Trees Touching Roof

Check your house regularly for trees touching the roof. Rodents get direct access to your structure through trees and shrubs connecting to the roof. Additionally, leaf clogged rain gutters prevent water from draining properly causing water damage. Having trees trimmed away from your roof is an easy way to keep…

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All Los Angeles Painting Company

Seal Your House Perimeter

Improperly sealed exterior openings can allow pests into your structure. Pictured above is a partially open crawl space cover. Small unsealed openings give rats, mice, and even raccoons the opportunity to make their home under yours. Check regularly and keep your house sealed against unwanted guests. All Los Angeles Painting…

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All Los Angeles Painting Company

Keep Your Roof Seams Clean

Pictured from above is roof valley flashing (roof seam) full of leaves. When roof seams are clogged, your roof doesn’t function properly. The inability of your roof to shed water causes interior leaks or rotting of the metal flashing itself–expensive repairs. Keep your roof clean. Remove leaves and other debris…

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All Los Angeles Painting Company

Check for Leaks

Pictured above is a leaking water pressure regulator valve.

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All Los Angeles Painting Company

Throw out junk.

Search your property for items that don’t belong.

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All Los Angeles Painting Company

Mosquito Prevention

Keeping your property free of standing water keeps the mosquito population down.

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Keep your exterior light fixtures clean.

Clean Exterior Lights

An often overlooked house cleaning detail is exterior porch lights. Keep your exterior looking sharp by regularly removing dust and cobwebs from your light fixtures. Pictured above is a dusty porch light in Westwood, 90024. All Los Angeles Painting Company, Inc. provides complete home maintenance and management services. https://alllosangelespaintingcompany.com/2020/03/leave-shoes-at-the-door/

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All Los Angeles Painting Company

Property Micro Management

Maximize the enjoyment of your property by micro managing it. Pictured above is a weed growing behind a down spout. Check your property for weeds, spider webs, and stray debris. By taking care of these details, your property looks perfectly maintained. Plus, by checking your property regularly, you can spot…

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Metal Security Door Painting.

Los Angeles Security Door Painting

Nobody likes the look of a run down security door. Save the expense and inconvenience of replacing a rusty security door by repainting it. Rusty security doors can be made to look like new. This security door was primed, painted and back in use in less than one day. There…

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